Friday, August 19, 2011

week 1

our welcome home sign from my family. :)
jonah @ 1 week
and again

aren't they so cute when they match?!

Today Jonah is one week old, I can't believe how fast it's gone by and how much he has changed in just one week. It's crazy. This has been one of the best weeks ever. There is nothing I love more than quality time, and this week has been chalk full of it and nothing but that. Jacob has been amazing and it's so much fun watching him be a daddy. I knew he was going to be great, but I had no idea he would be this comfortable this quick.

Tomorrow is his first day back to work in a week and I'm a little nervous. I'm sure we'll be fine on our own, we'll just miss daddy a lot...really a lot.
grammy and pops showin jonah some love...he misses them so much!
i could spend all day just staring at him.

right after his first bath, he didn't mind it so much...after it was over.

Here are some of my favorite pictures from the last week. enjoy!

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