Friday, August 26, 2011

{week 2}

 This was a big week around our are the highlights (and pictures of most!)

we went to church for the first time as a family on sunday.

jonah and mommy had our first outing the dr.'s office, we survived and we were on time!

and jonah is up past his birth weight...he's 7lbs 14oz.

we helped uncle maverick celebrate his 14th birthday.

we tried out the moby wrap...and love it! thanks again aunt michelle & uncle manuel & cousin tres!

the puppies are getting to know sweet jonah

jonah has a belly button!

jonah gets approximately 4 baths a day due to all the spitting that shark towel is too cute.  

 jonah is much more awake and aware during the day...

which means sometimes we get longer stretches of sleep at night...yay!

we have our first family trip to cleveland scheduled for september 15...woot!

in other news:
mommy is wearing pants with zippers and can now type rather efficiently one handed.
daddy is back at occ taking a couple classes working towards his specialization in student ministry, we are so proud!

-the mommy

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