Monday, April 25, 2011


It has been sooooo rainy and yucky here for like a week now, as much as I hate the rain (it means we are stuck inside for the day...again) today I decided to be thankful for the rain but more than the rain to be thankful for other things.
How lucky and blessed we have been with God's timing in our lives over the last year. From work related to relationships, it is so good to see God working. 

Almost six months before we found out we were expecting Jacob finally got full time status at Best Buy and we now have awesome health insurance! 

Also at the beginning of this year I left the daycare and took a job as a nanny for a family that i have known and loved for three years, and i absolutely love it. i mean look at these three...(thier mom blogs too, it's ALWAYS a worthwhile read!)

About 4 weeks before we found out we were pregnant we joined a small group made up of couples our age who have been married as long as we have and it couldn't have been a more perfect time. we love love love these people! 

And in February I got to go to Vegas with one of my very best friends Melodie, (who is an awesome photographer by the way) and it was so very fun. it was a crazy trip (which i should try to document). 
I'm so grateful for the people in our lives that make me smile and love to hunt for bargains early Saturday mornings as much as I do!

As things in our life change drastically I'm constantly reminded of God's grace and provision and how thankful I am for both.

Toodles...I'm off to find a snack! (Shocker, I know:))


Friday, April 22, 2011

i wonder

jacob and i have been doing the five love languages a bible study with our small group. it has been really interesting to learn more about our love languages and how they work to make our marriage better.

it often leaves me wondering what baby jonah's love language will be, what fills his love tank, what will it be that i do that makes him know he is loved. as i lay here in bed and feel him kick around inside my belly i wonder a lot of things, like what will he grow up to be, who's nose will he have, what color will his eyes be, jacob's blue ones or my hazelnut. i just cannot wait to see his sweet little face for the first time. ahhh.

the more of the book we read the more i have evaluated other relationships in my life and how i can make them better. what a challenge it has been, but one i know that i'm growing in christ in. what a blessing.


Wednesday, April 20, 2011

24 weeks

already? wowza. baby wurster has a name...jonah bryan. and he kicks and wiggles and squirms all the time, i don't think i could ever get tired of this.

cravings: no strange cravings so far, there are cravings, but not so strange. like i could eat (and have) blts from now until forever with a hunk of cheese on the side. also sausage rolls from college station, i should lay off those though, but once i start thinking about how good they are i can't stop til i have one in my belly.

energy: lots of it, most of the time. i feel like i can't sit down for longer than like 10 minutes and if we didn't have dvr, i don't think i could sit through commercials either. my feet don't like this, since my little piggies look like sausages after a long day.

we absolutely love my dr. too! she has been fantastic and i found out yesterday that she will be available for delivery m-f. (if i happen to go into labor on a weekend, i'm just gonna hold it til monday...ok, maybe not, but i love my chances.)

baby jonah is measuring right where he should and we got to hear his little heart beat yesterday for a long time, since he kept kicking the doppler. :) sidenote: i've only gained 5lbs, and am sooo happy to see my healthy choices (for the most part) are paying off, and he is healthy. at my next appt. is my glucose test. blech.

i think that's enough for now, and maybe since this was so fun, i'll update more often....we shall see.


ps. this picture is me at 19 weeks. :)