Monday, April 25, 2011


It has been sooooo rainy and yucky here for like a week now, as much as I hate the rain (it means we are stuck inside for the day...again) today I decided to be thankful for the rain but more than the rain to be thankful for other things.
How lucky and blessed we have been with God's timing in our lives over the last year. From work related to relationships, it is so good to see God working. 

Almost six months before we found out we were expecting Jacob finally got full time status at Best Buy and we now have awesome health insurance! 

Also at the beginning of this year I left the daycare and took a job as a nanny for a family that i have known and loved for three years, and i absolutely love it. i mean look at these three...(thier mom blogs too, it's ALWAYS a worthwhile read!)

About 4 weeks before we found out we were pregnant we joined a small group made up of couples our age who have been married as long as we have and it couldn't have been a more perfect time. we love love love these people! 

And in February I got to go to Vegas with one of my very best friends Melodie, (who is an awesome photographer by the way) and it was so very fun. it was a crazy trip (which i should try to document). 
I'm so grateful for the people in our lives that make me smile and love to hunt for bargains early Saturday mornings as much as I do!

As things in our life change drastically I'm constantly reminded of God's grace and provision and how thankful I am for both.

Toodles...I'm off to find a snack! (Shocker, I know:))
