Friday, April 22, 2011

i wonder

jacob and i have been doing the five love languages a bible study with our small group. it has been really interesting to learn more about our love languages and how they work to make our marriage better.

it often leaves me wondering what baby jonah's love language will be, what fills his love tank, what will it be that i do that makes him know he is loved. as i lay here in bed and feel him kick around inside my belly i wonder a lot of things, like what will he grow up to be, who's nose will he have, what color will his eyes be, jacob's blue ones or my hazelnut. i just cannot wait to see his sweet little face for the first time. ahhh.

the more of the book we read the more i have evaluated other relationships in my life and how i can make them better. what a challenge it has been, but one i know that i'm growing in christ in. what a blessing.


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