Wednesday, April 20, 2011

24 weeks

already? wowza. baby wurster has a name...jonah bryan. and he kicks and wiggles and squirms all the time, i don't think i could ever get tired of this.

cravings: no strange cravings so far, there are cravings, but not so strange. like i could eat (and have) blts from now until forever with a hunk of cheese on the side. also sausage rolls from college station, i should lay off those though, but once i start thinking about how good they are i can't stop til i have one in my belly.

energy: lots of it, most of the time. i feel like i can't sit down for longer than like 10 minutes and if we didn't have dvr, i don't think i could sit through commercials either. my feet don't like this, since my little piggies look like sausages after a long day.

we absolutely love my dr. too! she has been fantastic and i found out yesterday that she will be available for delivery m-f. (if i happen to go into labor on a weekend, i'm just gonna hold it til monday...ok, maybe not, but i love my chances.)

baby jonah is measuring right where he should and we got to hear his little heart beat yesterday for a long time, since he kept kicking the doppler. :) sidenote: i've only gained 5lbs, and am sooo happy to see my healthy choices (for the most part) are paying off, and he is healthy. at my next appt. is my glucose test. blech.

i think that's enough for now, and maybe since this was so fun, i'll update more often....we shall see.


ps. this picture is me at 19 weeks. :)

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