Wednesday, May 18, 2011


this baby is already pretty opinionated and seems to be certain of what he wants and when...this can't be good, can it? apparently he doesn't like it much when i wear pants, he just sits and kicks at whatever sits on my waistline...jeans, maternity jeans, leggings, sweats, yoga pants, you know any sort of pants. lucky for me it's sorta warm here now and maternity dresses are super cute.

yesterday i had my 28 week appointment, which went really well. we got to hear his little heartbeat and everything is looking good so far! i had to take the glucose tolerance test while i was there and the drink wasn't bad, but it made me feel really crummy for the rest of the day, i hope that's not a bad sign, but i think i should know what the verdict is by friday (hopefully sooner though).

tomorrow is my very last final for this semester and i'm so ready to be done with it and onto summer. this summer is going to be so crazy and i know that it is going to fly by. i only have one more monthly appointment before i start going every two weeks. eep. annnnd we know people graduating and getting married and fun pictures to take and things to learn about childbirth and people to visit. the one and only part about summer i don't think i'll love is the heat, but our air conditioner is awesome. no new pictures this week, or if i have some i haven't uploaded them...i can't remember.

jonah's mommy

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