Thursday, June 9, 2011


Updaaaaaaaate: I thought this would be fun to do and see how things change from week to week, get ready to see this A LOT, ok, maybe not a lot, i'll probably forget, but here it is for now!

Jacob: You are radiating
Me: Aww, tha...
Jacob: No you're radiating heat...scoot over.

How Far Along? 31 Weeks (tomorrow)

Size of baby: Summer Squash

Weight gain/loss: +8 lbs

Maternity Clothes:Yep, almost everything is maternity at this point, well, except when I wear Jacob's shirts, but even those are beginning to get a more snug. :)


Movement: He rarely stops moving, he's either squishing my bladder or in my ribs...sometimes both at the same time. 

Sleep: 3 pillows and 2/3 of the bed and I'm good, I think Jacob probably misses sleep now though. 

What I miss: being cold...i'm forever hot.

Cravings: milk and cheese and brownies popsicles and a freakin snow cone...(we have a snowcone date for sunday though)

Symptoms: nesting, some bh contractions, easily worn out. oh and i forget a lot of stuff all the time.

Best Moment: Jacob laying with his face by my belly and Jonah punching him, Jacob's eyes lit up and he was so excited! This is becoming so real, and I can't believe we only have 9 weeks left of this!

1 comment:

jaeduebele said...

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