Saturday, August 6, 2011

wanna play a game?

today is my due date! which apparently can mean little to nothing, but it's only 11:37 in the morning, so maybe not. my dr. doesn't seem too convinced i'm going to have this baby anytime soon, but i like to think otherwise, we are soooo ready to meet this little guy!

since i already finished my list(s) from last week, i've been bored outta my mind. my house is probably as clean as it's been, oh, i don't know...ever.

so, here's my plan for entertainment...a baby pool!

leave a comment here or on fb about when baby jonah will make his appearance...please, pretty please. otherwise, i'm left to contemplating things like drinking castor oil or other ridiculous things to get this baby moving along. oh and the winner will get a prize, fine, there is no prize, except bragging rights and i'll write it down in jonah's baby book and maybe some banana bread if you live close and i don't eat it all before he gets here...ohh, good one.

ready, set...go!

1 comment:

mellow yellow said...

I say Monday.....evening....5:43!!