Saturday, July 30, 2011


i think i've always been a list maker. at least since i've been married anyway. grocery lists. to do lists. honey do lists. our netflix queue. what to pack lists (i love those). anyway since i've been pregnant i think there has been a new list on the fridge nearly every week. as i glance over them i see how ridiculous i've become. i like to put things on my lists like check the mail. small group. shower. nap. watch bachlorette. those things only show up on the list so i feel productive at the end of the week, when i haven't accomplished such things as dishes or laundry or swiffering the floor. and sometimes i add things to the list after i've done them, just so i can mark something else off...cheating? no, absolutely not.

now that i have officially started maternity leave my list keeps growing, but that's ok, because i feel like i should have pleeeeenty of time. no? only one week left of pregnancy? oh, ok.  so things i was going to put off until later this week, i'm doing today, like blog. and give the dogs baths and haircuts. and look up a bajillion tutorials on things to sew this week. oh and i vacuumed. and watch my netflix movie.

and make a fancy dinner to commemorate our last baby free weekend. well it should be. fancy dinner has apparently turned into jacob grilling. that's what he gets when he says this baby isn't going to come out on time. ha. he's going to grill me shrimp and maybe some steak and some veggies and some pineapple. but he doesn't necessarily know that yet.

hey maybe next time i update it will be with news of a baby! or not. oh and for all of you faithful followers of our blog you will want to check here for the newest news and pictures of baby jonah and his arrival!


1 comment:

mellow yellow said...

cant wait cant wait cant wait...thats all my list say!! :)